Have you ever watched the sunrise?
I do, and to tell you honestly, I am in love with it. It is my favorite part of the day.
When I was little, there were times when I would wake up early just to see it. I would look outside the window and wait for the sun to show up in between the mountains. Even when I started working, since I was in the graveyard shift, I got to wait for the sun to rise and it was exactly after my "lunch break", I would stand by our office windows and gaze at the sun as it rises.
Watching the sunrise multiple times made me realize that the sun is not in a hurry to show me its beauty one angle at a time and each angle changes the color of the horizon as well. I guess it makes us see that beautiful things take time to unravel. Perhaps morning was created not just to remind us of hope but also to make us realize that we need to slow down and live life one day at a time.
It made me see that there is beauty in living in the moment, do what you do best today and do it again tomorrow.
Bloom where God has planted you, and be excellent in where you are right now because there's no need to rush things, eventually you'll get there. Just like how the sun takes its time to show us every color on the horizon before it meets it.